Sunrooms and Screened In Porches

The addition of a sunroom or screened-in porch can enhance the beauty and functionality of a home, providing an extra space for relaxation and entertaining. However, homeowners often grapple with the question of whether these structures are worth the investment. This article will delve into the value and benefits of sunrooms and screened-in porches, and provide guidance on the best sizes for these additions.

Are Sunrooms/Screened In Porches Worth the Money?

When considering the cost of adding a sunroom or screened-in porch, one must weigh the expenses against the expected benefits. These structures can add significant value to a home, both in terms of lifestyle and financial returns. They offer additional living space, improve the aesthetic appeal of the property, and can even contribute to energy savings by allowing more natural light into the home.

When it comes to resale value, sunrooms and screened-in porches can increase a property’s desirability. Many buyers appreciate these features as they offer a unique indoor/outdoor living experience. However, the exact return on investment will depend on several factors, including the quality of the construction, the overall housing market, and the preferences of potential buyers.

Benefits of Screened In Porches

Screened-in porches offer a variety of benefits that can enhance the enjoyment of your home. One of the main advantages is the ability to enjoy the outdoors without the annoyance of insects. The screen serves as a barrier against mosquitoes, flies, and other pests, allowing you to relax in comfort.

Furthermore, screened-in porches provide a sheltered space that can be utilized regardless of the weather. They offer protection from the sun, wind, and rain, so you can enjoy the outdoors even in less-than-ideal conditions. This feature significantly increases the functional living area of your home, providing a perfect spot for dining, entertaining, or simply relaxing with a book.

Moreover, screened-in porches add an element of privacy to your outdoor living space. While you can enjoy the view of your surroundings, the screen provides a degree of separation from neighbors and passersby.

Best Sizes for Screened In Porches

The ideal size for a screened-in porch will depend on your specific needs and the available space in your property. However, there are some general guidelines you can follow to ensure your porch is functional and comfortable. 

For a simple porch designed for casual seating, a size of 14x16 feet is usually sufficient. This provides enough space for a seating area for four to six people, with room for circulation.

If you plan to use your porch for dining or entertaining, you might need a larger space. A size of 16x20 feet or larger can accommodate a dining table and chairs, with plenty of space for guests to move around.

Of course, you should also consider the proportions of your house and yard. The porch should be in scale with the rest of your property to maintain a harmonious appearance.

Sunrooms and screened-in porches can provide valuable benefits that enhance the enjoyment and value of your home. While these structures do involve some investment, the added living space, increased home appeal, and potential energy savings can make them a worthwhile addition. When planning a screened-in porch, take into account the intended use and the size of your property to ensure a functional and aesthetically pleasing result. Careful planning and quality construction can help you create an outdoor living space that you can enjoy for years to come.